Skin Protection Treatments for the Sizzle of Summer


In the summer of 2017, Dr. Mirwat Sami was featured on the morning show of KPRC2 in Houston. A nationally recognized oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Sami discussed ways to prevent skin damage by protecting it against free radicals and ultraviolet rays of the sun. Dr. Sami is based in the Greater Houston area, and she shared some popular cosmetic procedures that help you bring your best look for summer. Botox® Cosmetic, dermal injections, Kybella®, laser skin treatments and above all else, prevention of sun damage can help get you ready for a beautiful summer season, inside and out!

Prevention is the Key for Great Looking Skin

Dr. Sami says prevention is the “cornerstone for protecting your skin from everything—from little lines and wrinkles to skin cancer. She stresses that a good sunscreen is important throughout the year, especially in places like Houston, because the sun’s rays are so strong. She also recommends “barrier protection” in the form of hats and sun visors that block the sun. Because the sun’s rays can damage skin even through clothing, workout and outdoor wear has been developed with an SPF, or sun protection factor. Wearing clothing that is specifically designed to help protect the skin during long periods of exposure to the sun is taking that extra step in prevention.

“I cannot emphasize enough the importance of skin protection. It’s the benchmark of good skin care,” says Dr. Sami. She reminds us that we should “protect our investment” by doing regular, daily maintenance, even if we are getting other facial or skin treatments.

Dr. Sami’s top three skin care tips:

  • Moisturize – get a good moisturizer to protect skin from the sun and free radicals, as well as keeping it soft and smooth

  • Wear Sunscreen – Dr. Sami notes there are great tinted sunscreens on the market today; these are products that go with a variety of skin tones and can be worn on the face like makeup

  • Drink Water – being hydrated is great for overall health, and being well-hydrated benefits skin health as well

“Your skin is everything.” Says Dr. Sami. (After all, it is the largest organ in the body!)

Hot Summer Skin Trends

“We have a lot of patients requesting facial aesthetics year-round,” says Dr. Sami. “But something else I’ve observed as an eye surgeon and facial plastic surgeon going into the summer months is a big boom of requests for treatments such as injections, as well as facial resurfacing with the use of lasers.”

Injection treatments such as Kybella®, which has been specifically formulated to treat double chin, can give patients that boost of confidence for going into the summer season. Kybella® firms the skin under the jaw, minimizing the look of double chin and creating a tighter, more streamlined profile.

Dermal fillers improve the look of sagging and scarred skin, and can plump and rejuvenate lips that have lost volume over time. Botox®, one of the most widely used facial injection formulas in the world, helps to eliminate lines and wrinkles, smoothing the skin and creating a more youthful appearance.

Some of the laser treatments Dr. Sami implements in her Houston plastic surgery practices include skin resurfacing and photofacials. These treatments help get rid of lines and wrinkles, redness and uneven tone, pigmentation and complexion issues.

Summer is full of parties, family events and of course many, many selfie opportunities! It’s a social season and people want to look their best. And the aftercare of many facial cosmetic treatments involves staying out of the sun. Patients want to get skin treatments like laser resurfacing prior to the summer months when the sun’s rays are strong and damaging. And let’s face it, nobody wants to spend a beautiful summer day inside recuperating!

Dr. Sami always emphasizes that patients should choose their health care provider wisely when considering cosmetic procedures. Choosing a cosmetic surgeon to perform facial injection, laser resurfacing and other procedures is always the best decision. Dr. Sami performs injections herself for patients at her Houston area cosmetic surgery practice. She believes that every procedure requires skill and artisanry, and the results for her patients show the depth of her attention to detail.

Come visit our Houston area oculoplastic surgery offices for a consultation. We can help you (and your skin!) have a more beautiful and healthful summer!

Mirwat Sami